COVID-19 UPDATE: As of May 18th, 2020, Ruland Family Dentistry is reopening. When entering our office you will be required to wear a mask. If you had an appointment during the shutdown, our office will be contacting you to reschedule your appointment.

We are committed to the well-being of our patients and staff during this difficult time. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to continuing to serve you!

Ruland Family Dentistry

1616 Forest Dr Ste 6

Annapolis, MD 21403-1095 US



Tired of Dental Stains? We Can Help

Tired of Dental Stains? We Can Help

Cosmetic dentistry can help you get a more radiant smile.

Whether you have a discolored tooth or a smile that has yellowed over the years, our Annapolis, MD, family dentists Drs. John and Michael Ruland offer a variety of cosmetic dentistry options that can turn your dull, stained smile into something radiant. Here are the top three cosmetic treatments that can remove or hide dental stains,

Dental Bonding

Stains are a fairly common dental problem. Everything from foods we eat to medications we take to smoking can lead to brown and yellow stains. If you have a small discoloration in a tooth, it may not be reason enough to get whitening. In this case, bonding may be the best solution for hiding minor stains.

With bonding, a tooth-colored resin is applied to the tooth, where it will fully cover the stain. Bonding resin is matched to the color of your tooth before it is placed. Then the resin is molded and hardened directly to the tooth. Bonding is completely non-invasive and can be performed in just a single dental visit.

Teeth Whitening

One of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments today, professional teeth whitening helps adults get brilliant, stain-free smiles in as little as one session. In-office whitening removes stubborn stains that regular brushing and routine dental cleanings can’t. Along with breaking up tough surface stains, it can also lighten the actual color of your teeth. In less than one hour we could get your smile up to eight shades whiter.

Dental Veneers

Sometime stains may not respond as effectively to whitening treatment. If you are dealing with severe, dark internal stains that affect one or more teeth, then dental veneers may be the ideal cosmetic dentistry to fit your needs. Our Annapolis, MD, dental team creates custom veneers, which are thin porcelain layers that are bonded to the front of your teeth to hide common imperfections while also improving the overall length and shape of your smile. If stains are too widespread for bonding and too stubborn for whitening, veneers could easily give you a smile that is as white as you want.

Ruland Family Dentistry in Annapolis, MD, is dedicated to providing the very best in cosmetic dentistry to patients dealing with discolorations, chips and other cosmetic imperfections. If you want to sit down with us and discuss your treatment options further then call (410) 268-5800.