COVID-19 UPDATE: As of May 18th, 2020, Ruland Family Dentistry is reopening. When entering our office you will be required to wear a mask. If you had an appointment during the shutdown, our office will be contacting you to reschedule your appointment.

We are committed to the well-being of our patients and staff during this difficult time. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to continuing to serve you!

Ruland Family Dentistry

1616 Forest Dr Ste 6

Annapolis, MD 21403-1095 US



Show Off Your Best Possible Smile

Show Off Your Best Possible Smile

Discover the many benefits of getting cosmetic dentistry in Annapolis.cosmetic dentistry

Do you know what cosmetic dentistry is? Most people have some idea of what it is but not many people realize that there are so many different ways that it can improve their smiles. Cosmetic dentistry isn’t just for the rich and famous. There are budget-friendly options to meet everyone’s needs. No matter whether you want to make small alterations to your smile or you want to get a completely new smile, our Annapolis, MD, family dentists, Drs. Louis, John, and Michael Ruland, are here to help.

While the goal of general dentistry is to make sure that you are maintaining good oral health and that your teeth, gums, and jawbone are healthy, the purpose of cosmetic dentistry is to make sure that your overall smile looks its best.

Whether you are dealing with discolorations, gaps between teeth, malformed teeth, chips, cracks, crowding, or other issues, our Annapolis cosmetic dentists offer a variety of cosmetic procedures designed to eliminate these issues.

Dealing with stains and discolorations?

No problem! Professional in-office teeth whitening can easily get some smiles several shades whiter in just a single one-hour session. Stains caused by aging, certain foods and drinks, and smoking can be eliminated with this simple treatment.

Dealing with minor defects?

Does your chipped front tooth make you feel embarrassed to smile? Do you feel like everyone is staring at that one uneven tooth? Don’t worry! A simple, inexpensive, and painless treatment known as dental bonding could easily hide mild to moderate imperfections such as this one. Bonding uses a putty-like tooth-colored material that is matched to the shade of your tooth before being applied, molded over the imperfection and then hardened into place.

Sometimes dental bonding is paired with another simple and painless cosmetic technique known as cosmetic contouring. By shaving off small amounts of enamel from one or more teeth we can even out your smile and buff out minor chips and cracks. Cosmetic contouring can also be used to shave down excessively pointy teeth.

Dealing with more widespread imperfections?

Sometimes it isn’t just a single tooth that is chipped, perhaps you have multiple flaws throughout your smile. If so, bonding and contouring may not be the ideal approach; however, dental veneers could be. These custom-made porcelain shells are applied to the front of your teeth to give you a new and more attractive smile. You can improve the length, shape, color, and even alignment of your teeth in just a couple of visits.

Ruland Family Dentistry in Annapolis, MD, is dedicated to helping you achieve your dream smile. Don’t let flaws and defects keep you from feeling confident in your appearance. Call our office today and let’s talk about what cosmetic dentistry can offer you.