COVID-19 UPDATE: As of May 18th, 2020, Ruland Family Dentistry is reopening. When entering our office you will be required to wear a mask. If you had an appointment during the shutdown, our office will be contacting you to reschedule your appointment.

We are committed to the well-being of our patients and staff during this difficult time. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to continuing to serve you!

Ruland Family Dentistry

1616 Forest Dr Ste 6

Annapolis, MD 21403-1095 US



Why You Should Consider Invisalign

Why You Should Consider Invisalign

Crooked or misaligned teeth can prevent you from feeling comfortable showing off your smile in public and can stop you from feeling comfortable in social situations. Invisalign is an easy and effective way to straighten your smile. Dr. John Ruland and Dr. Michael Ruland of Ruland Family Dentistry in Annapolis, MD, can determine if you’re an eligible candidate to straighten your smile with Invisalign.

Straightening Your Smile with Invisalign

Invisalign uses a set of clear aligners to straighten your smile in anywhere from nine to fifteen months. The number of aligners you use and the length of treatment will be determined by the severity of your case. The aligners will slowly push your teeth into the proper position to give you the smile that you’ve always dreamed of. These aligners are clear and are practically invisible on your teeth, giving you a sense of privacy when straightening your smile.

You’ll switch out your aligners every few weeks to continue the treatment and progress with your straightening. You’ll also visit your dentist in Annapolis, MD, a few times during your treatment to ensure that you’re progressing as expected and so they can make any adjustments that may be needed. You’ll have to wear your Invisalign aligners for twenty to twenty-two hours a day, only taking them off to brush, floss, eat, and drink. You’ll even wear them while sleeping, making straightening your teeth completely effortless on your part.

Invisalign can also make it easier to brush and floss once treatment is done because your teeth will be easier to clean when they aren’t crooked or overlapped.

Contact Your Dentist Today!

Straighten your smile easily today! Contact Dr. John Ruland and Dr. Michael Ruland of Ruland Family Dentistry in Annapolis, MD, to find out if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign. Call today at (410) 268-5800.